Monday, February 16, 2009

After a semester of being the class representative II

Welcome there ..
34 people had submitted their evaluation for me as their representative.
It has been about 20 hours since number was 34 and it is still 34, It seems that ther will no be any further submission.
Submission is now closed and here are results of the form.

  • Organization, Fairness and being helpful => Satisfying results.

  • Attendence => nearly 50:50 Good : Acceptable
  • Behaviour in problems => Satisfying
  • Decision in case of diffrences in opinion => Very satisfying (a bell shaped curve biased to [shifted towards] students :D).

Check this link to view a detailed version of the results.

I have some comments on the results

  • It is not true that these results refer to the person "Mohamed Abdelatif", it refers to the helpful community lead by Mohamed Abdelatif.
  • I had fallen in mistakes, because I'm a human, the skill (that I'm trying to gain) is decreasing mistakes results, apologize for them and avoid their occurance in the future.
  • I believe strongly in our class, I think we are the most helpful, active and connected class. I do not say that we are in our best state now, but we are better than all other class (at least in our college). That's why I'm enthusiastic and encourage to go on and keep being the representative for the 2nd semester too.
  • The rest of the week is opened for any one who likes to be the class representative, If you wish to be, just send us an email saying why you think that you will be a successful representative. And elections will go on Saturday 21.02.09 (The head of the second week of the semester)


  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

    بجد جزاك الله خيراً

    ربنا يعينك علي الدكاترة والمعيدين الترم الجاي إن شاء الله xD

    ثالثاً بقي:
    كبر الصور لو سمحت =P
    عشان مش باينة =P

    I believe in Abdollatif ;)

  2. Thanks a lot Islam, OK I'll enlarge images.
    But our class has much much many persons who can do it .. where are they?

  3. i liked that you are caring about our feedback.
    and like Islam said : I believe in Abdollatif ;)
